Webinar Recording: How Ease Skillways™ promotes retention and equity
As part of the launch of Ease Skillways™; we recently hosted a webinar to discuss how Skillways delivers and measures relevant, skills-aligned, learner-centric experiences.
If you weren’t able to join us for the webinar in real-time, please enjoy the recording and share with your colleagues!
To foster retention and equity, the focus needs to shift to designing for students’ learning needs and enabling them to demonstrate outcomes and acquire skills. What was needed was a technology that was informed by UDL (Universal Design for Learning) principles. This concept is at the heart of Ease Skillways, which augments any LTI compliant LMS. Skillways’ underlying design, delivery and measure methodology was created through a collaboration between Laurie Pulido and the design team at Ease Learning that has twenty-years of experience designing student-centric curriculum. Chris Vento, an active leader and contributor in the ed tech industry and interoperability standards, has been shepherding the platform architecture and product feature direction while guiding the development team at Ease Learning.
Listen to the recording featuring
Laurie Pulido, CEO, Ease Learning
Chris Vento, Founder, Innoventify
If you aren’t familiar with Ease Skillways, here’s a few of the features that are helping to deliver skills-based learning experiences in an entirely new way!
Hundreds of different assessment types to help foster a variety of ways for learners to practices their skills and engage with content, faculty and other learners
Integration of skills taxonomies to ensure content is mapped to the skills that meet specific workforce needs
Tracking capabilities to provide evidence of learning and competency development in a more granular, actionable way than ever before
Real-time progress views to support more immediate intervention and improvement of both the learner and the curriculum
Content that can be created as modular, reusable units to support flexible learning pathways and the syndication or white-labeling of content which is a rich collection of web content, media, learning activities, assignments and assessments to embed in any LTI/Scorm standards compliant LMS
Continuous improvement analytics enabled by the Skillways SaaS platform provides an ongoing feedback loop designed to boost retention and equity - learner data is interpreted and recommendations are made to support ongoing skills/outcome mapping, build stronger outcomes, and continually improve the user experience
If you’d like to learn more about Skillways or any of the ways Ease Learning supports your learning design or help desk needs just reach out!